Command History Publications
- American Army Doctrine for the Post-Cold War
- Army of Excellence. The Development of the 1980s Army
- Army’s Training Revolution, 1973-1990: An Overview
- From Active Defense to AirLand Battle
- History of Army 86. Volume 1. Division 86: The development of the Heavy Division
- History of Army 86. Volume 2. The development of the Light Division, the Corps, and Echelons
- History of Army Aviation, 1950 – 1962
- History of Army Aviation, 1950 – 1962 Phase II: 1955 – 1962
- King of Battle: A Branch History of the U.S. Army’s Field Artillery
- Literacy Training in the Army
- Mixed-Gender Basic Training: the U.S. Army Experience, 1973-2004
- Operation STEADFAST Historical Summary
- Origins and Development of the National Training Center 1976-1984
- Prepare the Army for War. A Historical Overview of the Army Training and Doctrine Command, 1973 – 1993
- “Press On: The selected works of General Donn A. Starry”, Volume One
- “Press On: The selected works of General Donn A. Starry”, Volume Two
- TRADOC Support to Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, A Preliminary Study
- Transforming the Army. TRADOC’s First Thirty Years: 1973-2003
- Victory Starts Here: A 35-year History of the US Army Training and Doctrine Command
- Victory Starts Here: A 40-year History of the US Army Training and Doctrine Command
- Victory Starts Here: A short 45-year History of the US Army Training and Doctrine Command
- The Dioxin Incident At A.P. Hill
- Complete Pot of Soup Memo
- Selected Papers of General William Depuy