Organizational Onboarding Page
Center for Initial Military Training (CIMT)
CIMT is the Core Function Lead for the U.S. Army Training & Doctrine Command (TRADOC) for all Initial Military Training (IMT). What this does is provide a process that aligns the development of competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities, attributes) and behaviors in civilian volunteers for them to become Soldiers who are physically ready, grounded in Army Values, and competent in their skills so they can contribute as leaders or members of a team upon arrival at their first unit of assignment. IMT includes developing baseline proficiency in Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills and critical skills associated with their military occupational specialty or primary officer branch. CIMT is the proponent of the Holistic Health and Fitness (H2F) System, which is the Army’s primary investment in Soldier lethality and readiness, focusing on the five domains of readiness: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Nutritional, and Sleep.
Additionally, the Army has established CIMT as the Prevention Force Modernization Proponent (PFMP). The PFMP’s mission is to reduce harmful behaviors by creating Doctrine, Organization, Training, Material, Leadership and Education, Personnel and Activities, and Policy solutions that will holistically impact the Army’s approach to prevention.
CIMT’s Goal – To Make the World’s Premier Fighting Force Better Each and Every Day.
- USACIMT Directorates & Functions
- What we do for the Army
- Introduction to the US Army
- Initial Military Training Locations
- Newcomer’s Corner
Army Civilian Professional
Additional Training and Resources
More training to tackle after you’ve completed the mandatory training on the TRADOC Onboarding Portal.
- Foundation Course Training
- Supervisor Training
- Sharepoint
- Civilian Personnel Online (CPOL)
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Staff Officer Orientation Briefing (SOOB)
- Ethics Training (2 hours)
- Identifying and Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information Training (PII/PHI)(2 hours)
- Insider Threat Awareness Training (2 hours)
- Risk Management in Army Training and Development (2 hours)
- Search by course title, “RISK MANAGEMENT BASIC COURSE”
- Staff Action Officer Resource Center
- USACIMT ATAAPS Quick Reference Guide
- Pay Calendar