Organizational Onboarding Page
Command Group
TRADOC develops, educates, and trains Soldiers, Department of the Army (DA) Civilians, and leaders; supports unit training; develops doctrine; provides operational environment support; and designs, builds and integrates a versatile mix of capabilities, formations, and equipment to strengthen the U.S. Army.

HQ TRADOC is comprised of the command group, DCGs, personal staff, special staff, and coordinating staff with several field operating activities (FOAs) in support of the coordinating staff.
TRADOC Deputy Chief of Staff (DCoS)
BG Linton is the advisor and principal assistant to the TRADOC Deputy Commanding General/Chief of Staff and serves as the senior coordinator of staff actions with the TRADOC Headquarters, subordinate centers, schools, and agencies. He ensures the strategic analysis and decision support for the TRADOC Commanding General and Deputy Commanding General.

BG Scott Linton
Deputy Chief of Staff
If you do not have a Military ID or CAC card, you will need to obtain a temporary Fort Eustis base pass prior to Day One.
Email your contact information and DOB to your Sponsor for them to put in for 14 day base pass.
Army Civilian Professional
- Familiarize yourself with the Map of Fort Eustis.
- View the In/Out Processing Checklist.
- Learn the Time & Attendance Business Rules.
- Learn the TRADOC Rating Scheme Business Rules.
- Read the Army Civilian Professional Fitness Directive Memo.
- Visit the TRADOC HQ Fitness Center during your leisure time.
- Read the Training Holiday Memo. (Must have a CAC)
- Memorize Building 950 Emergency Procedures.
Supervisor Training
- Learn the Time & Attendance Business Rules.
- Learn the TRADOC Rating Scheme Business Rules.
Command Group Offices
- Commanding General (CG)/Commander’s Planning Group (CPG)
- Deputy Commanding General (DCG)/Chief of Staff (CoS)
- Executive Deputy to the Commanding General (EDCG)
- Deputy Chief of Staff (DCoS)
- Deputy Commanding General – USAR
- Deputy Commanding General – ARNG
- Command Sergeant Major (CSM)
- Chaplain Office
- Communication Directorate (COMMDIR)
- Congressional Activities Office (CAO)
- Executive Services Office (ESO)
- Facilities Management Office (FMO)
- Inspector General (IG)
- Internal Revenue and Audit Compliance (IRAC)
- Quality Assurance Office (QAO)
- Secretary of the General Staff (SGS)
- Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)
Additional Training
More training to tackle after you’ve completed the mandatory training on the TRADOC Onboarding Portal.
- Foundation Course Training
- Supervisor Training
- Sharepoint
- Staff Officer Orientation Briefing (SOOB)
- EEO/No Fear Training (2 hours)
- Ethics Training (2 hours)
- Identifying and Safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information Training (PII/PHI)(2 hours)
- Insider Threat Awareness Training (2 hours)
- Risk Management in Army Training and Development (2 hours)
- DPMAP Training
- DPMAP User Guide