Organizational Onboarding Page
Combined Arms Center
Orientation: CAC Staff & Subordinate Organizations
(To be completed prior to Day 1)
- Review Welcome Letter.
- Review the Civilian Human Resources Service Center (CHRSC) webpage.
- Getting to know US Army Combined Arms Center.
- Review Combined Arms Center Organizational Chart.
- Combined Arms Center – Fort Leavenworth Overview
Organizational Onboarding Page
Click below for your organizational onboarding page
CAC Staff Proceed to Combined Arms Center Onboarding Itinerary below
Combined Arms Center Onboarding Itinerary
The following itinerary includes a proposed timeline. Please adjust as needed.
- Click here for a downloadable version.
- Review CAC Headquarters Organizational Chart.
PHASE I (Pre-Common-Access-Card):
Day 1
- Attend CHRSC Orientation via MS TEAMS.
- Contact CHRSC for more information.
- Contact ID Facility-DEERS to obtain your DoD Common Access Card (CAC).
- Complete Non-Disclosure Agreement Form (SF312-13).– required for new government hires only; have witnessed by HR professional
- Arrive onsite. You will be greeted by your Sponsor and escorted to your workspace.
- Introduction to Supervisor, key personnel, and facilities tour
- Welcome Brief and desk set-up (receive supplies)
- First Week Activities Brief (work schedule etc.)
- CAC Staff Civilian In-Processing No CAC card needed (Form Teal)
- Complete Information Assurance Training/Cyber Awareness Training, creating an account first if needed. Provide completion of training certificate to supervisor.
- Working with sponsor or supervisor, complete System Authorization Access Request (SAAR).
- Complete a Mandated Army IT User Agreement.
- Receive Unit Point of Contact (POC) roster with phone numbers.
- Benefits Review and Set-up
- Daily synthesis and review
Day 2
- Arrival onsite. Become acclimated and prepare for the day.
- Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE) issued (sign for equipment) and initial setup assistance.
- Read the following sections in the New Army Civilian Professional Handbook.
- The Organization of the Army (pp. 6-7)
- Holidays and pay (pp. B3-5)
- Leave information (pp. B6-10)
- Benefits and entitlements (Annex C)
- Insignia and General Schedule (GS) scale (pp. E5-7)
- Military time and phonetic alphabet (pp. E7-8)
- Commonly Used Acronyms (pp. F3-5)
- Benefits Review and Set-up
- Review the Welcome to Federal Employment video to understand your benefits.
- The Army Benefits Center – Civilian (ABC-C) Guide may be helpful.
- Health benefits plans comparison tool and enrollment
- Vision/dental plans comparison tool and enrollment
- Thrift Savings Plan Information
- Introductory discussion with leadership of your role in support of the organization and the Army mission.
- Complete Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) Training. Ensure to update the organizational training tracker.
- Continue conversations with supervisor and colleagues to better understand expectations, culture, and practices.
- Daily synthesis and review
Day 3
- Arrival onsite. Become acclimated and prepare for the day.
- Complete Derivative Classification Training. Ensure to update the organizational training tracker. This is ONLY REQUIRED if user has or needs a SIPR Account. If unsure, check with your supervisor.
- Continue conversations with supervisor and colleagues to better understand expectations, culture, and practice.
- Complete review of New Army Civilian Professional Handbook.
- Review Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Pay Calendar.
- Review Automated Time and Attendance Production System (ATAAPS) Process.
- Establish online access to ATAAPS.
- Discuss Position Description (PD) with Supervisor and begin to develop a Performance Plan (to be completed within first 30 days).
- Daily synthesis and review
PHASE II (Post-Common-Access-Card):
Day 4
- Arrival onsite. Become acclimated and prepare for the day.
- For Combined Arms Center HQ Building access, submit a request via CAC HQ Building Access.
- Employees new to DoD are required to complete initial ethics training within 30 days of entry on duty. (Joint Ethics Regulation, Section 2, 9-200.a. dated 15 May 2024)
- The Initial Ethics Training for New Personnel can be found at (CAC Required) .
- New employees should provide a copy of their completed ethics training certificate to (1) their immediate supervisor and (2) the OSJA.
- A minimum of one hour of duty time must be provided by organizations for new employees to complete the ethics training. glo
- Supervisors must ensure new employees are given 40 hours (one work week) to complete the Foundation Course Training. This should occur immediately following the individual gaining a DoD Common Access Card (CAC) and NIPR access and no later than 90 days after arrival.
- Begin Supervisor 101 and Supervisor Development Course if applicable. Ensure to update the organizational training tracker.
- Explore and verify/update your information on: MyPay, MyBiz+, and CPOL.
- Complete Telework Training.
- Submit Telework Agreement to supervisor, if applicable.
- Instructions: Right click, choose “save link as”, then open with Adobe Acrobat.
- Review CAC’s Mission, Vision, and Lines of Effort at US Army Combined Arms Center under “Mission and Vision” tab.
- Begin reading CAC’s Commanding General’s Policy Memoranda.
- Continue conversations with supervisor and colleagues to better understand expectations, culture, and practices.
- Daily synthesis and review
Day 5
- Arrive onsite. Become acclimated and prepare for the day.
- Update your 1st and 2nd line supervisors in the Army Career Tracker (ACT).
- View videos about the Army Civilian Professional component of the Army Profession by the Army Staff Management College (ASMC).
- Complete Foreign Disclosure Training. Search “Foreign Disclosure.” Ensure to update the organizational training tracker.
- Type “Foreign Disclosure” in the Search Bar at the top of the page.
- Select “Foreign Disclosure Training – Level 1: All TRADOC Personnel”.
- Register for Army Training & Certification Tracking System (ATCTS) Account.
- Register with Alert! Mass Warning Notification System .
- Update work contact info in Global Address List (GAL).
- Go to ID Card Office Online. This needs to be done prior to 2875 SAAR being Submitted.
- Click on ‘Continue’ under the “My Profile” tile.
- Login with Common Access Card (CAC) (you may have to click on “My Profile” and then login with CAC a second after this).
- Ensure to click on “CIV” tab and add in/update your Job Title, Civilian Duty Address, Duty Phone, and Office Symbol.
- Submit.
- Update Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPASS).
- Daily synthesis and review.
Day 6
- Arrive onsite. Become acclimated and prepare for the day.
- Complete Information Security Program Training. Ensure to update the organizational training tracker.
- Select “Mandatory Training” in the Quick Navigation area.
- Current Defense Travel System (DTS) users and Government Travel Card (GTC) holders are to complete the Programs & Policies – TDY Travel Policies 101 training and complete a Statement of Understanding (SOU). Submit the certificate and SOU to the CAC Travel Support Office (TSO).
- Complete a Travel Card Application if your new position requires you to travel and you are not currently a Travel Card Holder. Complete the process in agreement with (IAW) guidance provided by the Defense Travel Card Administrator.
- Complete the following DTS Training:
- DTS (Basic) – About DTS.
- DTS Travel Documents (DTS 101).
- Programs & Policies – TDY Travel Policies 101.
- Programs & Policies – City Pair Program.
- Programs & Policies – U.S. Government Rental Car Program.
- Submit the training completion certificates and a SOU to the CAC TSO.
- Introductory Meeting with Supervisor for Initial performance counseling session: Review position description, work assignments, Defense Performance Management and Appraisal Program (DPMAP), performance expectations, training and education requirements and Individual Development Plan (IDP).
- View DPMAP Overview slides and complete Defense Performance Management and Appraisal Program (DPMAP) Training.
- DPMAP Training
- Log in.
- Type “DPMAP Training – Army” in the Search Bar at the top of the page.
- DPMAP Training
- Daily synthesis and review.
Day 7
- Arrive onsite. Become acclimated and prepare for the day.
- Complete Army Operations Security (OPSEC) Level I Training. Ensure to update the organizational training tracker.
- Complete Anti-Terrorism Level I Training. Ensure to update the organizational training tracker.
- Review CAC’s Army Civilian Personnel (ACP) Resources on SharePoint. Coming Soon!
- Coordinate with your Supervisor to schedule face-to-face training for the below mandatory training:
- U.S. Army Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP).
- Sexual, Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention Program (SHARP).
- Daily synthesis and review.
- Fort Leavenworth Newcomers
- ACP Resource Site on SharePoint. Coming soon!
- Review the Welcome to Federal Employment video to understand your benefits. (Requires Common Access Card)
- Fort Leavenworth Phone Directory
- Combined Arms Center (CAC)
- Fort Leavenworth Services
- Fort Leavenworth Community Resource Guides
Congratulations! You are now an integral part of the Army profession, and we’re glad you’re here.
Contact Us
Please email the following address with any questions/comments/feedback:
CAC ACP Onboarding