Secretary of the General Staff
The SGS coordinates command group operations and is the key advisor to the command group for administration and staff action management. The SGS is an integral element of the CG�s engagement activities and a critical link to the field for the dissemination of information. The SGS manages and administers the budget, travel, security, logistics, and human resource (HR) management for the CG, DCG/CoS, DCoS, and the personal staff and selected special staff.
Task/Core Functions
Tasks elements throughout TRADOC on non-operational tasks generated by the CG, TRADOC; DCG/CoS; or DCoS. Maintains tasking continuity using the Command Action Tracking System.
Maintain the standard for staff procedures throughout the command.
Maintain situational awareness and verifies execution of all directives, orders, delegations, and instructions the commander issues to HQ TRADOC elements, MSOs, and centers, schools, and activities.
Provide resources and support for operations, training, and professional development to all command group, personal staff, and selected special staff personnel.
Ensure HQ TRADOC elements integrate and coordinate activities internally, vertically, and horizontally. Renders assistance, as necessary, to CFLs.

Contact the SGS and SGS Divisions
DSN: 501
Secretary of the General Staff (SGS)
(757) 501-5204
Staff Actions Division (SAD)
(757) 501-5199
DCG/CoS; CPG; ESO G-8; SJA; G-2; CAO; WHLO; SGS; Carlisle
Barracks (AWC); Belvoir (USAASA); Huachuca (INTELCoE);
Readaheads; CATS/Portal Development Administrator; SOOB;
TRADOC Enterprise Calendar; Training Holiday/Org Day Memo;
Staff Actions Training Session.
(757) 501-5201
INCORP; IRAC; PAO (including the TRADOC Band); Leonard
Wood (MSCoE/MP/CM/EN); Leavenworth
(FCoE/FA/AD);Bliss (USASMA) Rucker (AVNCoE); Eustis
(USAALS); Presido of Monterey (DLIFLC); TRADOC Regulation 1-
11; Belvoir (ACU/AMSC); DCG and SGS Website.
(757) 501-5203
G-1/4; AAC LNO; Safety; Historian; Surgeon; Chaplain; Diversity;
Retention; Lee (CASCOM/SCoE/ OD/OM/TC/ALU); Jackson
(SSI/USACC&S); Bimonthly XO Breakfast; Knox
(757) 501-5202
DCG, IMT; G-3/5/7; G-6; CKO; QAO; IG; Eustis (733d ASA);
Benning (MCoE/IN/AR); Gordon (SIGCoE); Jackson (ATC);
Montly TRADOC CDRS and Key Staff Officers Roster and
Administrative Support Division
- Chief (757) 501-5212
- HR Specialist (757) 501-5209
- Admin Support (757) 501-5211
- Admin Support (757) 501-5210
- Admin Support (757) 501-5063
Information Management Division (IMD)
- Chief/Information Management Officer (IMO) (757) 501-6142
- IT Specialist/IASO (757) 501-6140
- Systems Analysts (757) 501-6141
- Systems Analysts (757) 501-6139
Mission. Provides administrative support to the CG, DCG/CoS, and DCoS TRADOC by tasking non-operational taskers and processing and tracking staff actions generated by and submitted to the CG, DCG/CoS, and DCoS. Serves as the principal administrative assistant and technical advisor on administrative policies to the DCoS. Provides indirect support and guidance to TRADOC centers, schools, and activities on administrative support and staff procedures.
Helpful Links
Staff Action Officer Resource Center
Publication Forms
- Army Regulation 25-50, Preparing Correspondence
- TRADOC Regulation 1-11, Staff Procedures
- TRADOC Regulation 10-5-1, Headquarters, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
- HQDA Form 5 – Army Staffing Form
- TRADOC Form 5
- Command Policy Letters & Delegations of Authority
- Training Holiday Memo (CAC Login Required)
- Staff Officer Orientation Briefing (CAC Login Required) Schedule
HQDA/TRADOC Telephone Directories/Rosters (CAC Login Required)
Provides direct support to the HQ TRADOC command group and selected personal and special staff in the areas of security, HR management, budget, manpower, travel, records management, and logistics services. Manages .0012 Secretary of the Army contingency funds for the CG.
- (a) Administers fiscal operations and budget for the Command Group and selected personal and special staff.
- (b) Serves as government purchase card (GPC) billing official for up to seven cardholders.
- (c) Manages .0012 Secretary of the Army contingency funds for the CG and serves as the command group .0012 official representation fund custodian.
- (d) Executes, manages and oversees the Command Group/Special Staff Security Program consisting of information, personnel, physical, and operations security and force protection/antiterrorism (AT).
- (e) Manages human resources in support of the command group and selected personal and special staff military and civilian employees. Maintains the TRADOC rating scheme consisting of military and civilian evaluation reports for CG, TRADOC and DCG/CoS. Prepares and submits all civilian personnel actions (recruitment, promotions, awards, etc.). Manages strength management reports, tracking and processing of all awards, and in/out processing for all personnel within the command group and selected personal and special staff.
- (f) Manages TDA manpower requirements, authorizations and utilization for the command group and selected personal and special staff.
- (g) Manages command group and selected personal and special staff logistics operations to include the entire contracts and procurement process as well as supply operations.
- (h) Serves as command group and selected personal and special staff Internal Control Program (ICP) administrator responsible for preparation of the annual assurance statement
- (i) Serves as the command group and selected personal and special staff Agency Program Coordinator (APC) for the Government Travel Card (GTC) program.
- (j) Serves as the command group and selected personal and special staff Defense Travel System (DTS) administrator.
- Administrator Officer; NSPS; Contracts; BRAC
(757) 501-5212 - Deputy Chief; Military Personnel; NSPS; Manpower; Military Awards; Special
Projects; Internal Controls; SecArmy Contingency Funds
(757) 501-5211 - Security Manager; DTS; In/Out Processing; Special Projects;
Supply/Logistics; Key Control
(757) 501-5210 - DTS; Travel Card APC; Civilian Awards; Civilian Personnel; Command Group
Budget; Civilian Training
(757) 501-5209 - Procurement/Contracting; GSA Van/Service Orders; Facilities Maintenance;
Time Cards; Leave Reports
(757) 501-5063
Helpful Links
Military Personnel
- Evaluation Reporting System-AR 623-3
- Evaluation Reporting System-DA PAM 623-3
- Military Awards – AR 600-8-22
Civilian Personnel
- Total Army Performance System
- Civilian Personnel
- Operation Center (CPOC)
- Information Security Program-AR 380-5
- Personnel Security Program-AR 380-67
- Citibank Government Credit Card
- Defense Travel System – DTS
- DTS Training
- Joint Travel Regulation JTR/JFTR
- Military Coins
Provide information systems support and information management for the TRADOC Command Group, Special Staff and Personal Staff.
Monitor all common-user baseline service delivery and support provided by the Network Enterprise Center (NEC).
Implement and enforce IM/IT policies/procedures in coordination with the NEC.
Act as the command group, special staff, and personal staff interface to the NEC.
Maintain organizational data, manage and monitor development of mission conventional and Web applications and ensure information assurance, certification, and accreditation.
Update and maintain content and protection of organization Web sites.
Respond to reporting requirements of the NEC.
Acquisition and deployment of IM/IT hardware and software.
Help maintain property accountability for IM/IT hardware and software.
Determine excess equipment.
Telephone control officers (TCO) for cell phones and cellular phone services. TCO duties include continual management over cellular phone bills to watch for fraud, waste, or abuse and inaccurate cellular bills.
- TCO for the organizations land phones.
- POC for network cabling.
- New user support.
- Conference support for the CG and DCG/CoS.
Helpful Links
Publications/Forms(CAC Login Required)
- CGIMO SharePoint Portal
- IA Training