


Safety Office



Operationalize and integrate risk management across the TRADOC enterprise in order to safely support Army training, readiness, and multi-domain operations.

TRADOC Safety Office

The TRADOC Safety Office serves as the primary staff advisor and subject matter expert on all safety, accident prevention, and risk management programs within TRADOC and its subordinate commands.


Motivate Soldiers, Civilians, and organizations to adopt safety as a core value; pioneer safety and risk management initiatives to develop a stronger, more agile Army through the integration of risk management principles; monitor, assess, analyze, and develop policy, programs, training, and initiatives to influence Army culture.


The TRADOC Safety Office plans, executes, and manages the TRADOC Safety and Occupational Health Program tailored to the following institutional and organizational TRADOC functions:

  • Assessments/Evaluations
  • Aviation
  • Branch Safety
  • Chemical Safety
  • Education and Leader Development
  • Military Training and Operations
  • Mishap Prevention/Reporting/Investigation
  • Off-Duty Safety
  • OSHA
  • Radiation
  • Range Safety
  • Risk Management Doctrine Development and Integration
  • Safety Awareness and Promotion
  • System Safety
  • Transportation

“Nothing in peace time training is worth the cost of a life as the result of taking unnecessary risk. “

  • Safety is a commander’s program.
  • Safety has direct access to the Chief of Staff and the Commander.
  • Safety is Protection.
  • Risk management is an integral part of everything we do.

DSN 501

Director (757) 501-5462
Office Manager (757) 501-5460
Program Management Team
Accident Reporting and Data Analysis (757) 501-5453
OSHA/HQs TRADOC SafetyProgram/Emergency Mgt/ARAP (757) 501-5449
Radiation/Chemical (757) 501-5452
Accessions/Military Training
Initial Entry Training (IET)/Inital Military Training (IMT) (757) 501-5451
Military Training/Force Protection (757) 501-5451
Range/Explosives (757) 501-5455
Plans/Training/Doctrine Team
Aviation/Training Development (757) 501-5456
Standards/Quality Assurance (757) 501-5457
Transportation/OIP/Program Management (757) 501-5463
System Safety
Safety Engineer (757) 501-5450

Our goal is to institutionalize the RM process so that all Soldiers and Army Civilians apply it-as a matter of course-in their planning, training and operations. To that end, commanders shall incorporate RM into their operational routines. This includes regular use of the process for crisis action and exercise planning, clear guidance in the commander’s intent on the level of acceptable risk, discussion of risk assessment and controls at mission briefs, and thorough after-action reports

For risk management questions or recommendations, contact the TRADOC Safety Office at (757) 501-5456 or

The purpose of the Executive Safety Council is to provide an overview to Army enlisted Initial Entry Training (IET) Soldiers about suicidal behavior, and the actions TRADOC has taken to reduce suicidal behavior and attrition.

Executive Safety Council Documents (AKO Account Required)