Staff Judge Advocate Office

Provide accurate, timely, and proactive legal advice to the CG, DCG/CofS, DCG-IMT and HQ Command Directorates and Staff on the full range of legal issues. Provide oversight for 15 legal offices supporting subordinate commands schools, and activities. The TRADOC Staff Judge Advocate serves as the Command Liaison to the Army Office of General Counsel, the Office of The Judge Advocate General, and the Legal Advisor to the Chief, Legislative Liaison.
Focus Areas / Areas of Expertise
- 15-6 Investigations & FLIPLs
- Admin Separations AR 635-200
- Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board
- Army Weight Control Program
- Assumption of Command/Acting Cdr
- Congressional Inquiries (Mil Law Subjects)
- Conscientious Objector Applications
- Domestic Operational Law
- Driving Privileges
- Equal Opportunity Investigations
- Flagging Actions
- FOIA/Privacy Act
- Fraternization
- Identity Theft
- IG Issues & Whistleblower Reviews
- Intelligence Law and Operations
- Jurisdiction
- Officer Eliminations AR 600-8-24
- National Security Law
- Polygraph Activities
- Posse Comitatus Act
- POSTA / Suitability Determinations
- Pregnancy
- Requests for MPRJs/ROIs
- Subpoena/Service of Process
- Tattoos
- Transgender Policy & Issues
- Unlawful Command Influence
- Victim Witness
- Article 138 Complaints
Focus Areas / Areas of Expertise
- Focus Areas / Areas of Expertise
- AMOD Contract Package Reviews Fiscal Law Issues
- Official Representation Funds (ORF) / .0012 Requests
- Conference funding questions
- FS Form 7600A Reviews
- Appropriation/Authorization Act questions
- Recruiting
- Purchases of Coins (with Ad Law)
- DOMOPS (Backup for Mil Law)
- Construction
Focus Areas / Areas of Expertise
- 15-6 Investigations & FLIPLs
- Band Support
- Civil Liberties
- Coins (with KFL)
- Congressional Inquiries (Ad Law Subjects)
- Conference Policy
- Environmental
- Ethics Policy & Training
- Fiscal (Backup to KFL)
- FRGs
- Fundraising
- Gifts and Donations
- Health Initiatives (FLU)
- Information Security Program
- Intellectual Property (Copyright, Trademarks)
- Intelligence Activities
- Labor
- Leave and Pass
- Line of Duty Investigations
- Logistical Support
- Financial Disclosure Management (OGE 278/450)
- Political Activities
- Private Organizations (AUSA)
- Regulation Review (ADLAW)
- Religious Accommodations
- Safety
- Safety Investigations
- Solicitation
- Stationing Actions
- Travel (MILAIR/Spouse Travel)
- Use of GOVs
Commercial Area Code: 757; DSN Dialing Prefix: 501
- Staff Judge Advocate 501-5759/5758
- Deputy Staff Judge Advocate 501-5759/5758
- Legal Administrator 501-5758
- Command Paralegal NCO 501-5778
- Paralegal Specialist 501-5759
Postal Mail
- U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
- Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (ATJA)
- 950 Jefferson Avenue (Rm 3002)
- Ft. Eustis, VA 23604-5700