Inspector General

Serves as an extension of the Commanding General by providing impartial advice and independent assessments of the morale, welfare, and discipline of the Command through assistance, inspections, investigations and training in order to improve readiness of the Command.
Be the eyes, ears, voice, and conscience of the TRADOC Commander.
TRADOC Inspectors General are impartial fact finders who, through due diligence and sound fundamentals in accordance with regulations, policies and standards, assist the chain of command to solve problems.
Informal fact-finding in response to requests for help, information, or issues
Formal fact-finding in response to allegations of violations of laws, regulations, or policy
Tailored to meet commander’s needs; focused on systemic issues and root causes for noncompliance
Army systems, process, and procedures; standards of behavior appearance
By Regulation of AR 20-1: Inspector General Activities and Procedures
- Everyone has the right to see the IG (military retirees, family members, civilians)
- No allegation or request for assistance can be ignored
- The IG is not a commander, we are fair and impartial fact finders and problem solvers
- Investigations, inquiries, and inspections are directed by the IG’s Commander (not by the IG)
- IG records cannot be used as the basis for adverse action nor to compare commands or commanders
- Be sure you have a problem, not just a peeve.
- (Are the cooks turning out lousy chow, or was it just one bad meal?)
- Give your chain of command a chance to solve the problem.
- (Many problems must be addressed to the chain of command for resolution anyway.)
- If IG assistance is needed, contact your local IG first.
- (IGs at higher commands will normally refer the case to the local IG for action.)
- Be honest and don’t provide misleading information.
- (IGs will discover the truth quickly in most cases, and there are penalties for knowingly providing false information.)(IGs will discover the truth quickly in most cases, and there are penalties for knowingly providing false information.)
- Keep in mind that IGs are not policy makers.
- (If a policy is flawed, you can submit a proposed change on a DA Form 2028.)
- Keep in mind that IGs can only recommend, not order a resolution.
- (Only Commanders can order; the role of the IG is to advise the Commander.)
- Remember IGs can only resolve a case on the basis of fact.
- (Your claim that a supervisor has violated the rules doesn’t make it fact. A claim must be supported with evidence.)
- Don’t expect instant action on your request. Be patient.
- (Investigations take time, and IGs tend to have heavy workloads.)
- Be prepared to take “no,” for the answer.
- (In either case, “yes” or “no,” the IG will explain why.)
Person who ask the IG for help, make a complaint, give evidence, contact or assist an IG during an inspection or investigation, or otherwise interact with an IG, often have an expectation of confidentiality. The expectation encompasses safeguarding their identities and the nature of their contacts with the IG, and protection against reprisal.
The IG has a duty to protect confidentiality to the maximum extent possible, particularly when it is specifically requested. While the need for confidentiality and the measures necessary to protect it will vary with the circumstances, the IG always gives this issue priority attention. However, it is important to remember that while confidentiality is a priority with inspectors General, it cannot always be guaranteed.
Reference AR 20-1 or contact your IG for more information.
What types of complaints are not IG appropriate?
The following issues and allegations are ordinarily not appropriate for IG intervention:
- Criminal allegations
- Issues that have other means of redress
- Courts-martial actions
- Non-judicial punishment
- Officer/NCO evaluation reports
- Enlisted reductions
- Type of discharge received
- Pending or requested discharge
- Financial liability investigations or property loss
- Adverse information filed in personnel records (except for allegations of reprisal)
- Claims
- The issue is not Army related
- Soldier EO complaints
- Civilian allegations of reprisals
- DOD civilian employee redress through other channels
- Hazardous work conditions
Inspector General Action Request(IGAR)
How do I file/submit a complaint to an Inspector General (IG)?
A complaint,
allegation, and/or request for assistance can be presented to an IG in person, by
telephone, FAX, or regular mail. In order to protect your confidentiality, we strongly
discourage contacting an IG via e-mail.
Please download this DA 1559
Can I submit an IGAR using e-mail?
Yes. However, for personal security and to maintain
your privacy, the Department of the Army IG strongly discourages complainants from
filing an IGAR via email
because it is not a secure means of communication.
To submit a compliant or request assistance, refer to the Contacts for the appropriate IG office.
A complaint, allegation, and/or request for assistance can be presented to an IG in person, by telephone, FAX, or regular mail. In order to protect you confidentiality, we strongly discourage contacting an IG via e-mail.
What is an IGAR?
An IGAR is an Inspector General Action Request, DA Form 1559-R. A complainant completes the IGAR, presents it to an IG, who in turn initiates the appropriate action. You can download a DA Form155-R on this web site or visit our office and fill one out in person. When completing an IGAR, please include as much DETAIL as possible (who, what, when, where, how, etc.). This enable the IG to conduct a thorough inquiry.
Who can submit an IGAR?
You do not have to be in or associated with the military to submit an IGAR. Anyone can submit an IGAR as long as it concerns an activity of the U.S. government, specifically the U.S. Army and/or its members.
Can I submit an IGAR using e-mail?
Yes. However, for personal security and to maintain your privacy, the Department of the Army IG strongly discourages complainants from filing an IGAR via e-mail because it is not a secure means of communication.
What problems/issues can I present the Inspector General?
Any problems/issues concerning the U.S. Army and/or its members may be presented to an IG. Law and statue restrict what Inspector Generals can do in the areas of Civilian Personnel, Legal, and Equal Opportunity/Equal Employment Opportunity (EO/EEO).
Can I talk to an Inspector General “off the record”?
Information provided to an Inspector General is NEVER OFF THE RECORD.
Can I be disciplined for contacting an Inspector General?
NO. Contact with an IG is a “protected communication.” A supervisor or employee who reprises against an employee for contacting an IG faces possible punishment for violation of the statutory prohibition against reprisal for whistle blowing.
Can an Inspector General order my supervisor to fix a problem?
NO! An Inspector General belongs to the Commander’s Personal Staff. The IG has NO command authority. Therefore, we report, and make recommendations to the Commander for his action.
Can I obtain the results of an Inspector General’s investigation/inquiry that I initiated?
The initiator of an IG investigation/inquiry will be informed upon the completion of an investigation/inquiry. However, due to concerns regarding confidentiality, they can only request the results of an investigation/inquiry by filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the information.
Contact the TRADOC Inspector General Office for Army matters that apply to TRADOC units/commands
661 Sheppard Place, Fort Eustis, 757 501-6559/6560
Supported Units: TRADOC HQs and
TRADOC subordinate organizations
Contact the Joint Base Langley-Eustis (JBLE) for Army matters that apply to units/commands on JBLE
BLDG 2788, Harrison Loop, Fort Eustis, 757 878-5702/4845
Supported Units: Center Initial Military Training (CIMT), 7th Transportation Brigade (Expeditionary) 93d Signal Brigade, 128th Aviation Brigade, 597th Transportation Brigade 221st Military Police Detachment, 953d Quartermaster Detachment, 71st Transportation School, MEDDAC, USASOM, USAACE, and the NCOA
Contact the Langley U.S. Air Force Base Inspector General Office
for all USAF matters that apply to JBLE
Langley AFB IG