G-2 Intelligence

The DCS, G-2 is the Director of the Operational Environment Enterprise (OEE) and author of the Army’s approved current Operational Environment (OE). The TRADOC DCS, G-2 develops, describes, and delivers the OE in order to support the Army’s preparations to fight and win the nation’s wars.
Lines of Effort
- Continuity of the OE Narrative
- There are core OE narratives that describe the changing and complex conditions the Army will face whether we have a mission next month, next year, in 2035 or beyond. While users may need different aspects of the OE and they may require a specific OE time frame, there is continuity in our dynamic OE narrative over time that can withstand the most rigorous external scrutiny. That narrative is in two documents. G-2 TRADOC’s OE estimate provides discussion of near-term elements while our The OE and the Changing Character of Future Warfare paper looks deeper into the future.
- Critical Thinking
- The Critical Thinking Enterprise (CTE) is essential to help us constantly review and refresh our understanding of the OE. The CTE trains Army leaders to think critically about the OE and reaches out to academia, industry, and government.
- Data Centricity
- The OEE must enable the delivery, application, and use and reuse of information. Our OE must be timely, accurate, relevant, and predictive. It must also be digitized so that it is readily discoverable, retrievable, and usable by our many users.
- Organizational Capacity and Resources
- To achieve mission needs and priorities the OEE must be able to provide all support and sustainment activities areas of resource.
- Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service
- Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence
- U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
Mr. Thomas F. Greco serves as the Director of Intelligence, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-2 for the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC G-2). This is a Tier Two Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service (DISES) position. He is the Army’s lead for developing, defining, and applying current and future threats and environments in support of Army leader development, concept development, capability design, training readiness, and experimentation. He also leads the Army’s enterprises for Critical Thinking, Mad Scientist Initiative, Foreign Military Studies Office, Global Cultural Knowledge Network, and the Operational Environment Center. TRADOC G-2 supports the Army’s Combat Training Centers, deployed forces, all of the Army’s educational institutions and capability development activities.
Prior to his assignment as TRADOC’s G-2, Mr. Greco served as the Special Assistant for Intelligence to the Commanding General and G-2 of U.S. Army Europe from 2004 to 2011 where he spearheaded the intelligence efforts of a forward deployed theater Army headquarters. Notably, from 2007 to 2008, Mr. Greco deployed to Iraq where he served as the Assistant CJ2 in Iraq, ensuring intelligence support to the entire Combined Joint Task Force during the highly successful Sunni Awakening that changed the course of the war there.
Before entering Civil Service, Mr. Greco served 22 years on active duty as an Army intelligence officer in a variety of important command and staff positions. Highlights include one year as the G-2 of Task Force Eagle in Bosnia where he provided multi- disciplined intelligence support to high visibility peace enforcement operations in the Balkans and as the G-2 of Task Force Falcon in Kosovo. He also spent time as the Military Advisor to the START and Defense and Space negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition, he commanded units in the 10th Mountain Division and served in other key intelligence positions throughout the Army.
Mr. Greco holds a Bachelor of Arts degree (with honors) from Hunter College, City University of New York, a Master of Military Arts and Sciences from the U.S. Army Command and Staff College, and a Master of Military Arts and Sciences from the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). He attended the Intelligence Senior Fellows Program and is a graduate of the Executive Leadership Excellence Program run by the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.
Mr. Greco has received numerous awards and honors throughout his career. In 2016, Mr. Greco was awarded the Presidential Rank Award, Meritorious Rank, Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Services. As a civil servant Mr. Greco received the Civilian Meritorious Service Medal, the Superior Service Medal and the Commander’s Award for Civilian Service. As a military officer, he was awarded the Legion of Merit and multiple awards of the Defense and Army Meritorious Service Medals. He also received the George C. Marshall Award (“The White Briefcase”) as the Distinguished Honor Graduate from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.
Deputy Chief of Staff G-2 (757)501-6233
G-2 Primary Contact Number
G-2 Operations (757) 501-6236
G-2 Deputy Director (Ft Leavenworth)
Deputy G-2 (Ft. Leavenworth) (913) 684-7966
G-2 – Operational Environment Center (OEC)
Director (757) 878-9501
TRADOC G-2 Analysis Control Element (ACE)
Director (757) 501-6213
ACE Threats Directorate is the Army’s lead to study, design, document, validate, and apply Hybrid Threat and Operational Environment Conditions in support of LDT&E via the Threats Integration Branch (ACE-TI) and the Global Cultural Knowledge Network (GCKN). The Decisive Action Training Environments, Worldwide Equipping Guide (WEG), and hybrid threat products authored and maintained by ACE Threats are available via the OE Data Integration Network (ODIN).
ACE Futures Directorate studies the OE and threats through 2050 to inform concepts, capability development and testing via the Capability Development & Experimentation Branch, Wargaming and Concepts Branch, Capabilities Development Scenario and Studies Directorate (CDSSD), and the Mad Scientist Program. TRADOC G-2 Mad Scientist is a TRADOC initiative and a community of action that continually explores the future through collaborative partnerships and continuous dialogue with academia, industry and government.
ACE Fusion Directorate integrates research and analysis efforts from across the ACE with those of the Intelligence Community to produce tailored assessments for senior leaders within the Army and Department of Defense and provides direct support to TRADOC G-2 Operational Environment Center (OEC) training and exercises. The Network Engagement Team trains members of the joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational (JIIM) community focusing on integration of social network analysis to improve understanding of the friendly, neutral, and adversarial networks that exist within the OE.
Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) researches, discovers, and describes open source, foreign perspective insights of understudied and unconsidered aspects of the operational environment. FMSO’s publishes books, monographs, and papers are integral to critical thinking in the Army’s leadership, analytic communities, and military education, and wherever there is a professional interest in what “they think they think.” FMSO’s Operational Environment Watch provides translated selections and analysis from a diverse range of foreign articles and other media that our analysts believe will give military and security experts an added dimension to their critical thinking about the Operational Environment.
- Security
(757) 501- 6171 - Information Management
(757) 501-6153 - Resource Management
(757) 501-6218