Army National Guard
DCG-ARNG facilitates the integration of TRADOC capabilities, concepts, and doctrine in order to support mission ready ARNG Soldiers and Units.
Enable Success: Enable the Army National Guard to produce ready forces with the right training, capabilities and skills IOT fight and win in the multi-domain operational environment of tomorrow.
Represents and advocates ARNG leadership perspectives and priorities across DOTMLPF-P
Represents and advocates for the institutional training and education of ARNG commissioned officers, warrant officers, noncommissioned officers, and enlisted Soldiers to meet unit, state, and service, and theater requirements.
Acts as the channel of communication between HQ TRADOC, COEs, and ARNG Directorate, and as required, the ARNG of the 54 States, Territories, and the District of Columbia; facilitates communication between HQDA, ARNG, U.S. Army Reserve Command and TRADOC.
Participates in HQDA and TRADOC led requirements and processes to determine feasibility, acceptability, and suitability of plans, programs, and policies that affect ARNG formations and serves on HQ TRADOC committees, workshops, panels, and other entities to address RC integration issues.
Facilitates coordination between the ARNG G3/5/7, the COEs, schools, TOMA, and QAO to ensure integration of ARNG regional training institutes in the One Army School System (OASS).
Synchronizes ARNG policy, guidance, and resources within TRADOC, COEs, and schools in accordance with HQDA, NGB, and HQ TRADOC policy and guidance.
Provides input in the formulation, development, coordination of doctrine, policies, concepts, programs, and plans pertaining to or affecting the ARNG.
Assists in the management of TRADOC ARNG table of distribution and allowances (TDA) billets, acts as a conduit for ARNG personnel actions including RC Active Duty operational support requirements, one time occasional tours, Title 10 USC Active Guard and Reserve (AGR), and coordinates with State National Guard for disciplinary actions and ARNG Leadership to facilitate administrative actions for ARNG Soldiers
Serves as co-lead for TR 135-6, the ARNG/USAR Liaison NCO Program at U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. Provides oversight to the ARNG LNCO program to increases the success rate of ARNG Soldiers.
Name Phone (DSN 680)
Chief of Staff (757) 501-6277
Dep Chief of Staff (757) 501-6267
Executive Officer (757) 501-6269
Operations Officer/Aide De-Camp (757) 501-5784
Senior Warrant Officer (757) 501-6266
Senior Enlisted Advisor (757) 501-6265
Senior Staff NCO (757) 501-6268
ODCG – ARNG Fax (757) 501-6275
Staff Function
Advise CG and staff on ARNG related matters
Oversee the ARNG Support offices across the TRADOC installations
Develop or influence Policies and Strategies
Forecast, Acquire and Manage Resources (Human, Monetary, Physical)
Monitor ARNG Accessions from Reception through Initial Entry Training (IET)
Perform Research and Analysis
Conduct site visits at the ARNG Support offices across the TRADOC installations.
Provide Organizational and Operational Support